
About the 4HAIE study

Do you want to know what effect physical (in)activity has on health, psychological well-being, quality of life and population aging in an industrial region? Then we are looking for just you! Be part of the research and help us find out how the industrial environment affects human health - join the follow-up wave of the 4HAIE study! By participating, you will receive a number of benefits and contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge about the influence of air quality and lifestyle on the health and quality of life of the population.


Measurement initiated

In the term 11.-12. On 5 May 2024, the first entrance testing of participants in the LERCO 4HAIE project took place. Two participants from the Moravian-Silesian region took part in this baseline testing exactly 5 years after their initial testing in the 4HAIE study.


Objectives of the LERCO
4HAIE study

The aim of the LERCO 4HAIE PA and Health research program is to investigate the impact of physical (in)activity on the health, quality of life and aging of a population of people living in an industrial region. We would like to specifically fulfill this general goal through the second wave of measurements on the established 4HAIE cohort of 1314 people. A complex prospective research will be carried out allowing to study the causes and consequences of (in)-activity, air pollution and other psychological, biomechanical, physiological, somatic and genetic variables on the health, quality of life and well-being of the 4HAIE cohort.

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About the LERCO 4HAIE study

The main aim of the LERCO 4HAIE study is to follow up on the 4HAIE study after five years and to monitor the long-term impact of physical (in)activity on health, psychological well-being, quality of life and aging of the population in an industrial region. The study will again involve adult men and women aged 18 to 70 years from the Moravian-Silesian and South Bohemian regions, regardless of the current level of physical activity.
 The realization of this research will allow to study the causes and consequences between (in)activity, air pollution, psychological, biomechanical, physiological, somatic and genetic variables on the health, quality of life and well-being of the 4HAIE cohort.
The results of the study can contribute to the discovery of revealing new knowledge about the influence of air quality and lifestyle on health, running injuries and quality of life, which may be of great value in the framework of health prevention and in the development of recommendations for the healthy aging of men and women in the Moravian-Silesian and South Bohemian regions.

The aim of the 4HAIE PA and Health research program of the LERCO project is to investigate the influence of physical (in)activity on health, quality of life and aging of the population of people living in an industrial region. We would like to specifically fulfill this general goal through the second wave of measurements on the established 4HAIE cohort of 1314 people. Comprehensive prospective research will be carried out to study the causes and consequences of (in)-activity, air pollution and other psychological, biomechanical, physiological, somatic and genetic variables on the health, quality of life and well-being of the 4HAIE cohort.

The activity will be implemented in sub-stages with defined goals, expected probable outputs, benefits and knowledge:

  • Follow-up of the 4HAIE cohort after 5-7 years (MSK JČK)
  • Upgrade of laboratory equipment
  • Laboratory measurements
    • measurements in the Biomechanical Laboratory and MRI
    • measurements in the Physiological Laboratory
    • measurements in the Behavioral Laboratory
    • monitoring of physical activity and behavior
  • Data analysis
  • Publishing activity and protection of intellectual property
  • Application of research results
    • algorithms for automatic detection of knee cartilages/cruciate ligament/Achilles tendon from MRI; methods and procedures for working with different groups of physically inactive people in counseling centers
    • creation of smartphone applications/SW for MRI
    • license – transfer of know-how (algorithms; new methods)
    • cooperation with companies
    • establishing a spin-off

Join our research

Do you want to know what effect physical (in)activity has on health, psychological well-being, quality of life and population aging in an industrial region? Then we are looking for just you! Be part of the research and help us find out what effect the industrial environment has on human health – join the follow-up wave of the 4HAIE study! By participating, you will receive a number of benefits and contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge about the influence of air quality and lifestyle on the health and quality of life of the population.
We are looking for men and women between the ages of 18 and 70 from the Moravian-Silesian and South Bohemian Regions for the currently implemented LERCO 4HAIE study. If you are interested in the LERCO 4HAIE study, it will be our great pleasure if you decide to actively participate. Please use the given link to register for the study. After completing the registration questionnaire, the cohort coordinator will contact you shortly. If you are a suitable adept for participation in the study, they will verify your personal data with you by means of a telephone conversation and agree with you the date of the initial measurement.
This link is used for registration only for new interested parties who want to participate in the research. Participants of the previous 4HAIE study will be sent a link to the registration questionnaire to their e-mail boxes every 5 years after completing their initial measurement in the 4HAIE project.